Local Missions
Meals on Wheels: Various people make meals for about 40 seniors that are delivered by volunteers. This ministry is on the first Saturday of the month. If interested, contact Joyce Parker.
Food Pantry: The Food Pantry that is open to anyone in need Wednesday mornings from 8:30 to 10:00, and also Thursday evenings from 3:15 to 4:30. We are blessed to be able to provide groceries to anyone in need, thanks to support from the church, Food Lion, Lidl, Big Lots, and Bagel King, The Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC, and numerous food drives throughout the year. We are always looking for help and support in the form of donations or volunteers to pick up and distribute food. Click here for a link to information about volunteering at our food pantry. For more information, contact Suzanne Timmons.
Wednesday Morning Breakfast: A free breakfast of eggs, grits, hashbrowns, sausage, biscuits, orange juice and coffee available from 8;15-9:30am. Volunteers to help are always welcome.
Crafty Friday: Every week our Crafty Fridays women’s group gets together to create new things and fellowship with one another. If you’re ever looking for some Friday fellowship from 9:30am-11;00am, know that this is a great group of ladies to join! If interested, contact Eva Czepiel.
Bright Lights Ministry: With generous donations of clothing and household items we receive regularly, Bright Lights is able to offer a “free yard sale” at the church each Wednesday during the food pantry. Help is needed with sorting items and setting up for the yard sale. For more information, contact Joyce Parker.
Food Pantry: The Food Pantry that is open to anyone in need Wednesday mornings from 8:30 to 10:00, and also Thursday evenings from 3:15 to 4:30. We are blessed to be able to provide groceries to anyone in need, thanks to support from the church, Food Lion, Lidl, Big Lots, and Bagel King, The Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC, and numerous food drives throughout the year. We are always looking for help and support in the form of donations or volunteers to pick up and distribute food. Click here for a link to information about volunteering at our food pantry. For more information, contact Suzanne Timmons.
Wednesday Morning Breakfast: A free breakfast of eggs, grits, hashbrowns, sausage, biscuits, orange juice and coffee available from 8;15-9:30am. Volunteers to help are always welcome.
Crafty Friday: Every week our Crafty Fridays women’s group gets together to create new things and fellowship with one another. If you’re ever looking for some Friday fellowship from 9:30am-11;00am, know that this is a great group of ladies to join! If interested, contact Eva Czepiel.
Bright Lights Ministry: With generous donations of clothing and household items we receive regularly, Bright Lights is able to offer a “free yard sale” at the church each Wednesday during the food pantry. Help is needed with sorting items and setting up for the yard sale. For more information, contact Joyce Parker.

Global Missions
Project AGAPE Armenia: This ministry to Armenia and to some of our most desperate Christian brothers and sisters — is a collaborative effort of the North Carolina and the Western North Carolina Conferences of The United Methodist Church in a joint effort with the Armenian Apostolic Church. . WUMC has sent Christmas boxes, More information about this ministry Click Here
UMCOR: The United Methodist Committee on Relief is one of the first responders when catastrophe strikes a part of our globe. Through our tithes and offering, all United Methodists support UMCOR as a disaster relief agency. See how UMCOR is making a difference by Clicking Here
Rise Against Hunger: This ministry is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. Through special campaigns and food packaging events we can support this mission. To learn more: Click Here
UMCOR: The United Methodist Committee on Relief is one of the first responders when catastrophe strikes a part of our globe. Through our tithes and offering, all United Methodists support UMCOR as a disaster relief agency. See how UMCOR is making a difference by Clicking Here
Rise Against Hunger: This ministry is growing a global movement to end hunger by empowering communities, nourishing lives and responding to emergencies. Through special campaigns and food packaging events we can support this mission. To learn more: Click Here