For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Here are just a few of our service opportunities!
Assigned to a rotating schedule throughout each year, ushers and greeters quickly become the faces of our church on Sunday mornings. Greeters are those who, well, greet everyone as they enter the building. A friendly face and a welcoming smile are the only requirements to serve as a greeter. Ushers help during the worship service by seating individuals arriving after the service has started and by collecting the offering.
Assigned to a rotating schedule throughout each year, ushers and greeters quickly become the faces of our church on Sunday mornings. Greeters are those who, well, greet everyone as they enter the building. A friendly face and a welcoming smile are the only requirements to serve as a greeter. Ushers help during the worship service by seating individuals arriving after the service has started and by collecting the offering.
Our worship services feature a blend of modern and traditional worship elements. We are always looking for people with a passion and love for worship to join us in these ministries. Whether you love to play electric guitar or sing bass in the Easter Cantata, we have a place for you.
Our worship services feature a blend of modern and traditional worship elements. We are always looking for people with a passion and love for worship to join us in these ministries. Whether you love to play electric guitar or sing bass in the Easter Cantata, we have a place for you.
We are always looking for volunteers who have a "knack" or interest in working behind the scenes with running the sound board, live stream, updating the website and app.
We are always looking for volunteers who have a "knack" or interest in working behind the scenes with running the sound board, live stream, updating the website and app.
Smiles and coloring skills needed! Our church has a nursery and children's church on Sundays during service besides Sunday school before church. We also have special events like Fall Festival and the Easter Egg Hunt as well as Vacation Bible School in the summer. All these events need volunteers. We'd love to have you join us!
Smiles and coloring skills needed! Our church has a nursery and children's church on Sundays during service besides Sunday school before church. We also have special events like Fall Festival and the Easter Egg Hunt as well as Vacation Bible School in the summer. All these events need volunteers. We'd love to have you join us!
At the risk of sounding cliché, a casserole often does show you care! Our freezer in the Fellowship Hall by the kitchen door and is stocked by volunteers with food that can be taken to people who are in need due to their circumstances. We have a need both for prepared food in the freezer and for people to deliver the food when the occasion arises. If you can make an extra dish or batch of cookies, the meals ministry is a service for you.